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  • sdsubha15

Visitor management with face recognition

About This Gig

Enhanced efficiency Save time for your employees & their guests through visitor pre-registration & tablet self-registration Improve office security With time-stamped records, verified phone numbers and a photo of each visitor Lightning-fast setup Visitor management system leverages the power of the cloud to minimize hardware requirements Visit Creation Host and Visitor can Create, Approve, Modify a Visit Better Planning Role-based Login Host Profile Visitor Profile Security/Reception Profile Visit Live Status Monitoring Security/Host/Visitor can View Monthly, Daily, and Weekly Visit Logs Multiple Tags: Pending, Accepted, Cancelled, Checked-In, Checked-Out, Ongoing, Completed Self Registration Quick Check-in Enhanced Experience Reports Monitoring and Analysis of Visits Visitor Details, Host-wise Visit, Date-wise Visit Reports can be exported in PDF, Excel  Format ORDER


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